Layer: Elevation Bands - Help Center

Layer: Elevation Bands

Brenden Labrum
Last Updated: 4 years ago

How to Apply the Layer to your map


1. Open the Layers Menu and toggle (tap) on the Elevation Bands layer



2. Tap on the Layer Adjustment button

  • Once the layer is applied, the Layer Adjustment button will appear in the upper-left corner of your screen. Tap the Layer Adjustment button to access the individual elevation ranges.





Selecting Individual Elevation Ranges

With the layer adjustment options, you can choose which ranges you want to see on the map to align with your scouting and hunting goals.

  • Toggle the desired elevation ranges on or off to be displayed or removed from your map



Selecting Ranges to match your objectives (examples)



Apply the 6,000 - 7,500 ft (green) and the 7,500 - 9,000 ft (yellow) ranges to highlight potential areas to cover for antler sheds during shed season.


Chasing goats or sheep? Simply filter out the lower ranges to easily view their stomping grounds.

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